Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back in the saddle!

Well, I slept in today and dammit I liked it!!!! Lol! But seriously...I was good and had a healthy breakfast. I weighed myself and amazingly I am down 4 pounds since Sunday! I had gained back to about 260, and today I am 256. Nice! Also, my waist is down to the smallest yet, which is 42 inches. Not small, but better than the dreaded 50-something inches I started out at so long ago. I am slowly climbing back up to where I was last month: 22 pounds down and counting. My set back took me back to 260, but at least I didn't blow up all the way back to 268! That would be so depressing! Anywho, I am now back on track and feeling better each day. I want to work out today, but unfortunately I have other commitments and won't have time. Tomorrow, though; tomorrow I plan to do my first workout in weeks. Here's to hoping I don't need CPR when I am through! Until then....


  1. I can totally understand what you are going through I started my wieght loss journey at 297 lbs back last December and I am now down to 264lbs which I think is great...I feel soooo much better I can bend and move much better and can sit behind counters without squishing in and people are very supportive. I think your blog is so honest which is great and I am not in any position to judge..you need to do what you need to do, but I think that you may also be sabbotoging yourself by trying to stick to 1200 calories a day from the nutrisionist that I have seen at my wieght and light activity day with work I will burn 2400 calories a day and she recommends to reduce it by up to 500 calories to lose wieght. On days that I go for swimfit 1 hour or brisk walks with pets and kids I should consume at least 2000 calories at my weight and activity level. By eatting too little you are starving your body so when you do give in and have that little bing your body will totally store every calorie you eat..in preparation for the next starvation ritual...you my acctually need to eat more.
    I start my day with yogurt& whole grain cereal or toast and tea Herbal. Try eatting at least every two hours like apple or salade or peach (fruit is a nice filler) Cheese (I use the light babel) or yogurt..or find another treat that you like that may range from 50 to 100 calories. Then between 4-6 I try to eat my main meal of pasta-meat & potatoes or fish diner type thing and with my small snacks over the next two hour periods. I feel full and donot get as many cravings(of course once a month I do tend to give in a little when My cravings are undiniable)! By eatting ever 2 hours you are not allowing your body to starve therefore improving you metabolism and allowing your cravings to set in.
    I hope I am being helpful for I know the struggle all too well and feel that over time I will be able to lose the weight on this plan for the first time that I have ever dieted! I feel great!
    Ps. She also said that as I loss weight the caloric intake will decrease also...so I try not to make that discourage me! lol

  2. Thanks. I will ask my doctor about that calorie thing. I don't want to eat too little. Best of luck with your journey, and feel free to continue following along with mine! :)
