Friday, June 10, 2011

Busy, busy bee.....

Ok, shit blogger that I am....I have been busy lately and have not kept a good record of my progress. Well, I wouldn't call it progress. I am still at that lovely plateau. Nothing gained, nothing lost. So ready to see those scale numbers start dropping once again. Oh well. On another note, I have started wearing makeup again. (I can hear Christa's excited squealies as I type this) Apparently, school took such a toll on me that I gave up make up completely. For the last 3 years, I bet I only wore it on maybe 4 occasions. I have begun to try and wear it daily. Not full-on, Tammy Faye shit; just base, gloss, eyeliner, and mascara. I forgot how awesome my eyes are! Such a deep green! I have gotten a lot of compliments, and I notice that people treat me differently when I look pretty. I know that sounds lame, but it is true. People talk to me more, notice me, hell they even flirt with me. Fat or not, I have a pretty face! So I plan to get back on the make-up train. Who knows, maybe the self esteem boost will help with my weight loss? We shall see. So, until next time....

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