Tuesday, June 21, 2011

OMG I feel so awesome....

Just accomplished another great workout! I took yesterday off to let my body heal a bit. I didn't want to, but I have been advised that I should take at least one day off a week. So, from now on Measurement Day will also be my off day. Anywho, I learned a pretty good lesson today. Always eat something before your workout. Maybe not directly before (unless regurgitation motivates you), but sometime before so you have energy. I have heard that but I never gave it much thought until today. I haven't eaten at all yet (been busy) and 10 minutes into my workout I felt so drained. I finished it, but with great effort. It wasn't weakness or lack of endurance; on that front I am the best I have been in a while. It was almost like being out of fuel. Kind of like a car with no gas, putting along up a hill or something. My body was screaming, "You stupid bitch! I need a little fuel first! Some carbs at least! Damn!" Ok, I hear ya. Loud and clear. Note to self: fuel body before workout. Ironically, I put gas in my car on my way home to work out. Right concept, wrong vehicle. LOL. Well, lesson learned. I survived. Next time I eat first. Now, I believe I hear my couch calling me......

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