Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh well....

No, I didn't forget to blog yesterday. My computer tried to get wonky again. The issue is now resolved, hence today's daily dose of me. I know you are totally enthralled at this point. Anyway, exercise is the same, still eating healthy. Today I attended a ceremony at work for recent grads. They honored those of us who have completed degrees this year, be it Masters, Bachelors, or Associates. It was nice. I got a certificate. The downside was the refreshments. I had hoped for sandwiches or appetizers. No. It was ice cream. Three big vats of ice cream; chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Also a huge table of toppings; strawberries, cherries, walnuts caked in sugary goo, and chocolate syrup. The thought was appreciated, but what about the vegans of the world like me? Why, in this day and age, do people not even attempt to compromise? I hate being in the minority sometimes. Really. *sigh* I dream of a day when banquets include vegan options; when every restaurant has a vegan friendly menu. Too bad it won't be tomorrow. Oh well.....until next time......

1 comment:

  1. I really think they will some day, in CA we have a much more conscious society about food choices, tons of vegan or vegetarian places and options, I am personally trying to help end the trend of obesity so that this won't ever be an issue again. thanks for being a forerunner for change!
