Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, I am still on track! I kid you not, I am already down 11 pounds! I was like "Holy shit!!!!" when I weighed today. I know it is probably mostly water weight and such, but damn that is a big number! I am currently taking in between 1200 and 1300 calories daily, and I managed to get my sodium intake down to about 1200mg daily. I have found some great sodium-free alternatives. Salt substitute for my food, butter spray, fruit (duh, right?). I also am in love with the low sodium sweet potato chips! Only 10mg per serving, which is about 17 chips. Plenty for a good snack. I never knew sweet potatoes were so magical. Healthy is an understatement. They also taste like they should be bad for you because it is like dessert or something. Yummy! In my search for low sodium goodness, I have found that there is a severe shortage of choices around here. Leave it to the damn countrified south to load up on salt and fat and limit our choices for sodium free groceries! I know that other places, bigger cities, have a vast array of healthy foods available. Not here. It is so sad to walk around the local grocery store and see the crap they sell in lieu of health food. Yuck! I see the world with new eyes. No longer do I look at sticky, gooey bakery items and drool. Now I think "Why in the hell do we eat that shit?" Most things people seem to buy these days are either pure sugar or pure fat! I now notice people and what they have in their carts; what they're feeding their kids. It is disgusting. No wonder our country is so fat! Now that I am watching my sodium levels, I am amazed at how much sodium is actually in our food! We are killing our bodies! Even so-called "healthy" things like soup and lean cuisines and even milk is loaded with it! Just because something is labeled as healthy doesn't mean it actually is. For example,all the microwave meals in the diet aisle have enough sodium to bloat you like a balloon and ruin you day! Weight Watchers, Michelina's, Lean name it. They all have a minimum of 550mg of sodium! The daily average should be around 1000 to 2000mg, not to exceed 3000mg. If you take in 600mg just at lunch, then with all your meals together I guarantee you are way over the limit! Then you get bloated and yucky. How is that healthy? We often mistake convenience for goodness. Microwave meals might be quick, but then again so is biting a cow's ass. I bet you'd rather take the time to cut and cook a steak, though, right? Take the time to cook a small meal. Don't rely on the food companies to do it for you. They want your money. They don't give a shit about your health. Don't believe me? Still think Subway loves you? Then why do they list all their "healthy" subs right next to a huge sign that urges you to put more peperoni on everything? Peperoni is just fat. Period. Nothing healthy about it. Subway and all those lean meal companies can go suck an egg. I will cook my own meals, measure my own portions, and control my own life. Thank you. (I think that rant may have burned about 15 calories. LOL!)


  1. so proud of you!! what have you found at stores that you like? idea's here..11 pounds in a few short weeks!! what an accomplishment girl!! way to go

  2. I am both a salt and butter addict, and Morton makes a decent salt substitute and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter makes a delicious cal/fat/sodium/carb free butter spray that I put on damn near everything. I am really eating a lot of tuna, sweet potatoes, and brown rice. I love these foods. Especially the tuna. I am really hooked on it at the moment. :)
