Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Up and running....well.....walking briskly, anyway.....

Ok, I am back. Yes, I haven't blogged for a few days. I got slack. I admit it. I have been having somewhat of a personal crisis. See, I have a very long way to go before I am at my ideal weight. I want to be fit and healthy, but sometimes just knowing how long it is actually going to take can be very daunting. I totally lost my motivation for a while and I retreated into a depressive state. I felt like "what's the use?" every time I would attempt to workout. I was also slack on my eating, chowing down on unhealthy comfort foods. Yes, vegans have junk food too. I will be honest, no need to try and lie. I gained back 9 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Of course, some of that is water weight from that lovely time of the month, but still, I know some of it is fat. I may have let myself down, but I refuse to give up. I will not let life get in my way again. I have worked too hard to turn back now. Today, I found my motivation again. I worked out for an hour today! A whole hour! I had a light lunch (I didn't drag my ass out of bed until noon.) and now I am having a big bowl of brown rice. Yum! I feel alive once more. I feel healthy again. I actually want to feel good again, instead of getting mired down in a "chunky funk". That is my new term for depressed overeating: chunky funk. Feel free to use it, but give me credit, ok? Anyway, I am finally back on track and stronger than ever before. My head and heart are in the right place now. I can do this! Wow, I feel awesome today.

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