Friday, January 29, 2010

Keeping on....

Awesome start to my day: I got on that scale and had lost yet another pound! That makes 16 so far! Someone asked me how much I weigh. Well, why not just lay it all out there? I am no longer ashamed because I am doing something to improve! I started at 268lbs and now I am down to 252lbs. I have quite a way to go, but I am determined to make it! On a side note, I wish I had the metabolism of a man. I have been losing weight, but with work and discipline. Since the start of the year I have dropped 16 pounds. My husband, without really trying, has dropped about 46 pounds in pretty much no time at all. I was very proud, and I love my hubby more than anything; but I was also like "WTF?" when he told me! Men don't have to try, I swear! I so much as think of junk food and I gain weight! He eats whatever and slims down. Go figure. I want a man's metabolism, dammit! Until medical science makes that possible, it is healthy food and exercise for me. Keep up the good work, y'all. See you in the next entry!