Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And now, the let down.....

Failure. It is not a very nice thought. That is why I refuse to see this as a failure. True, I have strayed from my healthy plan. True, I have regained most of what I lost. However, I see it as a minor set back, not a failure. To deem it a failure means I have given up, which I have not. I just became weak minded and I let the stress of recent weeks take a toll on me. I have been somewhat depressed as of late, and all I want to do is nap and eat. Not healthy. I need to get my life back on track. Things are starting to even out and I can see through the stress to the other side. I have to keep pushing and get to that other side! The weather is nicer, the days getting longer, more time for me to workout and eat right. I must remain positive. I will do this. I am not a failure, but if I get down and give up, then fail, I have. Onward. Upward. Thinner. Healthier. Yeah.