Saturday, March 20, 2010

Still at it....

I was 251 this morning. Seems to be just melting away! Too bad it won't be so easy the entire time. I am going grocery shopping in a bit. I will try to make the best choices, and I plan to work out later today. Good thing I live close to a good hospital. Wish me luck! I am back on track and on my way to slimville....

Friday, March 19, 2010


I was 252 this morning. Hoping that doesn't increase! I feel better, and I am only about 5 pounds away from where I was before my slip up. Awesome! I still haven't worked out, but I feel ready, so time willing I will do it this weekend! I am contemplating doing the unthinkable : I may try to go clothes shopping. Ugh! Never a favorite thing to do! But now I feel a little more confident, so I am curious to see how I react to trying on clothes. Should prove interesting. We shall see....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back in the saddle!

Well, I slept in today and dammit I liked it!!!! Lol! But seriously...I was good and had a healthy breakfast. I weighed myself and amazingly I am down 4 pounds since Sunday! I had gained back to about 260, and today I am 256. Nice! Also, my waist is down to the smallest yet, which is 42 inches. Not small, but better than the dreaded 50-something inches I started out at so long ago. I am slowly climbing back up to where I was last month: 22 pounds down and counting. My set back took me back to 260, but at least I didn't blow up all the way back to 268! That would be so depressing! Anywho, I am now back on track and feeling better each day. I want to work out today, but unfortunately I have other commitments and won't have time. Tomorrow, though; tomorrow I plan to do my first workout in weeks. Here's to hoping I don't need CPR when I am through! Until then....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Round Two.....

Ok, so today I began eating like a good, healthy individual again. I think I have remained within that 1,000 to 1,200 calorie limit. I didn't workout yet, but one thing at a time! Jeeze, I just got back to eating healthy. Let me shave off about 5 or 10 pounds before I kill myself working out. As for the eating, I admit I have enjoyed my indulgences of late. Today I did feel a bit deprived and hungry, but I know that it is just my mind wanting me to snack. My body isn't hungry. Hell, I just finished off a great dinner of baked chicken, steamed veggies, and brown rice. So why do I feel hungry? Because my mind hates me. It thinks I need to be stuffing my face 24-7 to feel comfortable. I have to break this train of thought. I need to feel full and satiated after a good meal. I hope to feel better tomorrow, and by the end of the week I should be working out again. I hope. Here's to losing those stubborn 22 pounds....again...ugh...