Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where does the time go......

 Wow. I haven't blogged in about 11 days! Sorry. I have been working A LOT lately. Not too much to report. I am still vegan, still trying everyday to stay healthy and be active. On a bright note, today my jeans are really baggy. Two weeks ago they were snug. Now they are almost hanging off me. Nice, except that they are practically brand new. That is the one downfall to weight loss: you have to buy a lot of clothes. It is one I can live with, though. :)
 I finally got my hubby to enjoy tofu, which I thought to be an impossibility. Perhaps I will make a vegan of him yet? Turkey day is almost upon us. (I refuse to refer to it as "Thanksgiving", since that concept is based on a lie perpetuated throughout the centuries about pilgrims and natives feasting in joy. It was nothing like that, but we are all taught to believe it was a happy occasion. Bah.) Anyway, I am looking for a tasty yet simple recipe so I can take something to our dinner this year. We will be spending our first turkey day with my husband's dad and his girlfriend, so I want to make something good! I'm looking forward to it.
 Well, that is about all I have to say at the moment. No huge revelations about weight loss, no vast drops in that scale number. Just keeping it healthy and taking one day at a time. Until the next post......